Category Archives: Author Interviews

A Late Night Treat from Jet

The talented Jet Mykles has answered some questions and let us take a peek into her oh so creative brain.

Tell us a little about yourself?
Hi, my name is Jet and I write fantasy romance. Even when it’s technically labeled “contemporary”, I write fantasy. I believe in love at first site, fantastic coincidences — okay, those only to a point — and happily ever after.

What was your dream(s) growing up?
I was going to be an actress. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts for Acting, in fact. My trouble was (still is) that I detest auditions. Which makes it very hard to get any acting jobs. So I’ve turned around what I’ve learned and I now apply what I know about characters to those I write instead of those I play on stage. Kind of better this way because I really do get to be in charge and don’t have to deal with other people (much), but I do miss being onstage in front of an audience.

What made you start writing?
When I learned to write? Okay, maybe not that far back, but I was rather young when I started penning stories. Rarely ever finished them, mind. Let’s see, I guess it was when we got our first home computer when I was nine that I learned to type. Once I had that down, that’s pretty much when I started creating story files. Huh, I wonder whatever happen to those?

Is writing something you’ve always wanted to do or is it new to you?
Didn’t always want to do it as a profession. I was going to be a famous actress after all. I wrote my first real book right out of college. It wasn’t accepted for publication, but that was when I thought I could seriously do this. Took awhile between then and now to actually do it. Back then, digital publishing and ebooks didn’t exist and that seems to be where I’ve found my home.

What is your last book? What is it about?
I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore just came out in September from MLR Press. It’s about a pretty young party boy and an older guy who he hooks up with. They live in separate states and don’t intend to fall in love, but once they connect they — say it with me — just can’t fight the feeling. It was inspired by people and events that I saw when I attended my first GRL Retreat. In the end, the events and the people who inspired the story aren’t all that recognizable in it, but there are bits and pieces that those who’ve been to GRL might enjoy.

What made you decide to write it?
My editor, Kris Jacen, insisted on a story after one particular event. There were four of us authors with her, but I was the one who caught the story bug.

Is there any hidden meanings in your book? A lesson to be learned?
Only that love is a good thing and sex should be enjoyed.

What’s in store for you next?
My main writing goal now is to finish the last two Indigo Knights books so that series is complete. I’m not really sure where I’m going after that.

Do you think authors should read reviews of their books?
No. It’s a bad thing. The good ones can be a nice pat on the back, but even those are bad to read. It messes with your feelings as the author and it’s skewed my opinion of some of my own books.

Do you read your reviews?
Sadly, yes. But not as often as when I started.

Would you argue with a reviewer over a bad review?
No. There’s no point. It’s their opinion. Although, I often would like to point out that sometimes what you don’t like about the book isn’t so much what the author wrote as the reviewer’s own personal pet peeves. It’s sad, for instance, to get marked down because there’s a menage in your book when the reviewer admits to not liking menages. That’s like not liking a blue shirt that you just bought because you don’t like the color blue.

Do you have a favorite genre to write? To read?
Fantasy. I love made up worlds, even if they’re made up alternate “real” worlds. I’d rather read about a completely different reality than the one I live in every day.

What/who is your inspiration for writing?
Pretty, pretty men. I love good looking men.

What are you reading right now? Who is it by?
Indexing by Seanan McGuire. Awesome idea about a secret federal agency that chases fairy tales and tries to abort them. Because it’s amazing how many people tend to die horribly when chased by their happily ever after.

Are you enjoying it?
Immensely! I hope she continues the series. I enjoy her voice and her worlds very much.

Do you have a favorite book? What is it?
I don’t think I can name a single favorite. There are some that have been pivotal to me. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Dune, Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn, The Last Herald Mage series by Mercedes Lackey. All those books took me places that I remember vividly and are probably big reasons why I write what I write.

If you’ve ever re-read a book, what book was it? How many times? Why?
Recently I re-read a whole series because the new book came out and I’d forgotten too much to go on. Actually, that happened twice recently. Once for Patricia Briggs’s Mercy Thompson series and once for Ilona Andrews’s Kate Daniels series. I adore both sets of books, though, so re-reading wasn’t a hardship.
Other than that, I don’t think I’ve re-read much. I re-read Dune at least once and I’ve re-read some of Mercedes Lackey’s books. Those were because I’d originally read as a pre-teen and wanted to experience it as an adult to refresh my memory. Both were just as good the second time around.

Vampire or werewolf? Angel or demon?
One of each.

One thing you want to do/see before you die?
I’d like to get back to Europe for a real vacation. I’ve been there but never for a good long stay to really see stuff.
Most recent release is I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore. More info on my website:
Buy link:

Don’t forget to comment for your chance to win a copy of Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore and a $10 giftcard from!

Oh, and Jet? I don’t think you’re the only one who enjoys pretty men ;D

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Interview with Eden 2

Here’s the second part of the interview with Eden. Hope you all enjoy it!

Do you have a favorite genre to write? To read?
I pretty much read and write exclusively M/M these days, but as far as sub-genres, the door is wide open.

Who is/are your favorite author(s)?
Too many to name, and too many reasons. Some I admire for their word skills, some for their storytelling abilities, and some for who they are as people, and their selfless determination to make the world a better place.

What/who is your inspiration for writing?
There is a team of folks who inspire me, hold my hand on the journey, kick my hiney when I need it, and always, always have my back. They are many, and I’m afraid to name them individually, lest I omit someone.

What are you reading right now? Who is it by?
I’m currently beta reading a contemporary novel by P.D. Singer called Spokes, and I recently finished Made in China by Z. Allora. Both are awesome and highly recommended.

Are you enjoying it?
Yes. Very much. Both books required tons of research, and I love learning new facts while being captivated by a good fiction story.

Do you have a favorite book? What is it?
I have too many favorites to name, and they’re the ones I’ll go back to when I’m too tired to start something new, or want to revisit a particular scene or mood.

What is your favorite reader/writer interaction site?
You’ll find me on Facebook frequently, though I’m also on Goodreads.

If you could co-write a story with any published or self published author, who would it be? Why them? What would you write?
P.D. Singer. I admire her way with words. I’ve got a BDSM spoof I’m crafting that I’d love her input on.

Vampire or werewolf? Angel or demon?
All, though I also include the dreaded werepossum.

Favorite television show?
I don’t watch TV, but DVDs of Dante’s Cover are my guilty pleasure.

Favorite food?
Vegetarian lasagna.

One thing you want to do/see before you die?
I’ve promised to take someone to visit Ireland, where her father was born. I intend to keep my promise.

What’s something your readers don’t know about you?
I’m the “Mom” of the office where I work, and have half a Walgreens in my file cabinet, stocked with everything from aspirin to sewing supplies. Got a headache? I’ve got you covered. Lost a button? No problem. Someone bet me I didn’t have a Q-tip. They lost.

Thanks for joining us, Eden!

First person that can name a dreaded creature Eden mentions gets a bonus point!

Author Spotlight: Welcome Eden Winters!

Afternoon guys!

I’d like to give a warm welcome to the very talented Eden Winters!
She’s very talented and an amazing person if you ever get to meet her. I count myself lucky to have met her a the 2012 GRL. She was an absolute blast to be around! 🙂

When I decided to get back into my blog and start writing again, I couldn’t think of a better person to invite along.

I had the chance to interview her, and like I’ve said before, I’m excited for this. Eden was such a good sport and answered so many of my questions that we thought it best to break it up so here’s part one of my interview with Eden and look for the other half later this month.

Without further ado, here she is!

Welcome, Eden.

What was your dreams growing up?
Don’t laugh, but at various times I wanted to be a princess, the world’s first female Southern Baptist Minister, a missionary, a gospel singer, an archaeologist, and a sociologist.

What made you start writing?
I’m not sure. I’ve always written for as long as I can remember. Escapism mostly.

When did you start writing?
My first published poem was in a teacher’s newsletter for my school. I was six or seven.

Is writing something you’ve always wanted to do or is it new to you?
For a while I was convinced I couldn’t write anything anyone would want to read, but although I never considered it as a career choice, writing was just something I did, as necessary and unavoidable as breathing.

What is your last book? What is it about?
The third installment of my Diversion series, Corruption, published October 1 from Rocky Ridge Books. Two narcotics agents have formed an uneasy partnership both off and on the job, and while the POV character, Lucky, is the opinionated loudmouth, this offering allows his love interest, Bo, to shine.

What made you decide to write it?
Bo and Lucky’s story didn’t end with the last book. There are too many unanswered questions, and they’ve got too much personal growth yet to achieve. Besides, Bo has been in the shadows up until this point in the series, and I loved showing a little more depth in his character.

Are you working on anything new? What is it?
Currently I’m working on The Telling 2: After Jimmy, the sequel to my very first novel, The Telling. As with The Telling, the plot involves a wounded soldier returning home to pick up the pieces of his life. The first book starred Michael Ritter, but this one features his friend Ryan, who made a few brief appearances in the first installment.

Any special routines you have to do before you can sit down and write?
Due to ADHD that worsens as the day passes, I get more done in the early morning hours after I first wake up. I’ve recently moved into a new house, and bought a chaise lounge that sits in a corner by a sunny window. It has become my new writing spot. I call it “Eden’s Book Nook”.

Are there any hidden meanings in your book? A lesson to be learned?
The underlying theme, if there is one, is to be compassionate to others—you never know what trials they might be suffering.

What’s in store for you next?
There are at least four more Diversion books planned, a YA trilogy involving shifters, a high fantasy story about a demon hunter, and a sci-fi ménage story, to name a few projects.

Other than writing, do you do anything else?
I have a full time job with a pharmaceutical company. Yes, the Diversion series was inspired by my job.

Do you think authors should read reviews of their books?
Only from an analytical viewpoint. Take what you can learn from and don’t dwell on non-constructive comments. I do read mine, and I’ve learned a lot about myself and my writing. I’ve grown as a writer based on the well thought out critique of readers.

Would you argue with a reviewer over a bad review?
Never. People have the right to their own opinions. I did, however, contact a reviewer privately when I saw inaccuracies in their review for which they thanked me. The reviewer was not aware that certain cars can be operated in manual or automatic mode and believed they’d found an error in how I described the vehicle.

Now that you’ve published your book, is there anything you would change? Any regrets?
If I have regrets, all I have to do is wait until the book comes out from under contract to correct them.

How often do you write? Do you have a word-count schedule to keep you on track or do you just “go with the flow”?
Because of long workdays, and beta and editor duties, I write whenever I can. A note jotted at work may become a short scene once I arrive home.

What are your plans next?
I’ve recently completed an editing course and will be focusing on improving my editing skills, and learning about the production and marketing of books.

Thank you, Eden, for stopping by!

As I mentioned yesterday, I have another giveaway for you guys!
I will be giving one lucky reader a $15 ARe eGiftcard and a copy of Eden’s Corruption (now available on ARe & Amazon).

20131002-104148.jpg To enter to win just comment on an Author Spotlight posting and ONE winner will be randomly selected.
Entries will be accepted from today until 10/30/13 at 11:59PM and a winner be be annouced Halloween Day.