Category Archives: short stories

A Short Fic

I wrote this back around easter. Its not much, just a lil something I thought up when I was bored. Hope you enjoy.

Easter Fic

He stood, watching the kids playing in the spacious backyard.
It was wonderful of Jack to offer up his house for the neighborhood kids to do an easter hunt.
Then again, almost everything Jack did was wonderful.
HE was wonderful.
Carefully, he stole a glance out of the side of his eye, at the silent man standing geside him. He was big, not overly muscular, but he had a powerful presence. And a welcoming smile.
One that had put him at ease the first day he showed up in a jew town, a new school, knowing just as little as the five year old girl he had woith him,
Frazzled beyond belief and trying to na igate a school he’d previously never even stepped foot into, Jack had been a knight in shining armour when he’d stepped up and asked him if he beeded help.
He was sure he’d fallen in love with the man at that exact moment.
Now, as they stood together watching their little girls team up to find easter eggs, his mind jumped to what had been happening in the past few weeks.
Maybe it was his imagination, but he prayed he was imaging the small touches and subtle flirting passing back and forth between them.
Never had it crossed his ming that Jack may be gay, let alone imnterested in plain ole’ him, but there was no way he imagined or the casual bumps, the soft brushes of a hand over his nackside when no one was looking, the hint of mischief in dazzling hazel eyes whenever a innuendo was exchanged.
But maybe it was.
Maybe it was his imagination.
Jack shifted towards him, his shoulder bumping his softly. He looked at him and caught the slight smile tilting the corners of Jack’s lips up as the man gestured to two little boys who were watching there daughters fun around. The man didn’t move back into his own space.
Yeah, somehow, he didn’t think he was imagining it. Not at all.

The Reviewing Shelf tours me for Today (Today!!)

The Reviewing Shelf

I think the review The Reviewing Shelf gave Second Time Around may be one of the best reviews I have received as of yet and I was so happy to have read it.


Guess what you guys?!?
I just checked my sales records and so far in the last week or so Second Time Around has been downloaded 165 times! I’m so happy.

Now if those of you who have downloaded it and have read it are currently readingthis, please let me know what you thought of it. You don’t have to review, just send me a email or so ething. I always love hearing what you guys have to say, it what helps me become a better writer.

Thanks you guys!


Second Time Around Publication Delay


Hi guys.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to publish Second Time Around today as I had planned. Everything is all ready to go but the cover image I have won’t go up and it would create all kinds of later problems to publish it without the cover and I’d rather not do that.

To those f you who were looking forward to downloading your free copy, I’m sorry for this dumbass delay in plans.
I will have it up soon, I just have to figure out a way to get around the stupid library’s restriction on what is and isn’t allowed. Ugh.

Hey, who knows, maybe I can have it up this weekend.

God, that would be great.

Is it just me or is everything going awry this month?
*pulls hair, running around room, screaming*

I hope this isn’t a sign for bad things to come.
I seriously need a break or vacation extremely soon.